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Personalized Insurance

Senior Life Insurance

Purchasing life insurance is something that crosses almost everyone’s mind sooner or later. You may be unsure if it is the right time, or perhaps you have not found the best company to suit your needs. You know that eventually, you will need to make a decision, but with so many options out there, it can be daunting.

Wealth Management Group is here to make that choice simpler. Our honest and accommodating staff will help you choose a plan that suits your needs and let you get back to enjoying life.

Disability Insurance and Long Term Care

If you were disabled and unable to work as a result of an accident or illness, what would you and your family do for income?

Disability income insurance, which complements health insurance, can replace lost income. Forty-three percent of all people age 40 will have a long-term (lasting 90 days or more) disability event by age 65.

Sell Your Life Insurance Policy

A life settlement is an agreement between an individual and a licensed settlement carrier (investment company) under which the individual agrees to sell the beneficiary rights to his or her life insurance policy to the settlement carrier for an agreed upon price, payable immediately. The price is usually calculated as a percentage of the total death benefit. Typically, the sale involves an insured age 70 or older with a policy that is no longer needed or no longer affordable. As an alternative to surrendering the policy, the insured can sell the policy to an investment company in exchange for a lump sum cash settlement.

Insurance for Business Needs

Do you own a business? If so, Do you have a will for your business? Sole proprietorships, partnerships and small closed corporations all need to consider what happens if the owner or one of the partners or shareholders dies or becomes disabled. Who will purchase the company or the deceased partner’s or shareholder’s interest? What is a fair price? When will the sale be made? Will the deceased owner’s/partner’s/shareholder’s families be given a fair shake and be taken care of? These are real questions every small business should deal with before the event occurs.

New and Exsisting Coverage

Life insurance has always been a highly effective tool in financial planning. It can be used to provide financial security for a surviving family in the event of an unforeseen death to its primary breadwinner. It can be used to provide business conservation in the event of the unforeseen death of a key employee or partner. It can also be used as a tax-sheltering tool and leveraging strategy for estate planning.

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